I’ve got a story to share!

We have been here as The General Store for almost 2 years and I absolutely love it! It means so much to me to be here at 100 Main Street, in the heart of my home town of Tallulah Falls where I have lived for almost 32 years. I can walk to work now. I can sit on the front porch rocking one of my grandbabies. I can talk to my neighbors as they drop in for a visit with a question or a need. Being here really speaks to my heart and soul on many levels.
One of the reasons why is this: My grandfather, T.F. Lake, started a general store in Beda, Kentucky around the same time that my landlord’s grandfather, J.E. Harvey, started THIS general store. So to be running a general store in this historic general store almost 100 years later kinda blows my mind!!! And that is only the BEGINNING of the synchronicity between the Lake/Hughes family and the Harvey family. For 26 years, I ran my first store, Tallulah Point Overlook, in another building that Mr. Harvey owned! When I made the connection that this general store was ALSO owned by Mr. Harvey, I was blown away and felt that it was meant to be. It made relocating and moving from my beloved Tallulah Point Overlook a bit easier to deal with….like it was meant to be and it was going to be alright.
Another interesting tidbit is that for 4 years my youngest son and I lived in Mr. Harvey’s homeplace, a beautiful old home here in Tallulah Falls. There for awhile, I was really feeling like I was channeling the Harvey’s!!! For 10 months of that time in 2011, my oldest son and his pregnant wife lived with us as well. A beautiful baby girl joined us there in the summer of 2011. My first granddaughter! They named her Leena. When I started leasing the general store, I discovered that Mr. Harvey’s wife’s name was Lena!! Spelled differently but pronounced the same. I thoroughly enjoy all the interwoven connections happening here!
To come full circle, and to even make all this sweeter and more meaningful, today, Thursday May 19th, 2022, Lake Hughes Properties LLC purchased the old general store from Mr. Harvey’s grandson, Rev. James Turpen and his wife Catherine. I am honored to now own a bit of Tallulah Falls history. I hope to make T.F. Lake and J.E. Harvey proud. Thank you gentleman for paving the way.