Forty-five years ago this summer on July 19th,1970, Karl Wallenda tightroped across Tallulah Gorge. There were high hopes (pun intended!) that his great grandson, Nik Wallenda, was going to come and walk in his great grandfather’s foot steps. But alas, the announcement was made a few weeks ago that he was not going to be able to come after all! But as the headlines in the Clayton Tribune announced: “WALLENDA OUT, PARTY ON”! The Tallulah Gorge Skywalk Celebration will happen this summer, June 19th -June 28th, even without Nik recreating the daring walk. We will be celebrating the 45th anniversary of Karl Wallenda’s walk across the Gorge! All kinds of great activities will be happening all over the county. And of course, we at Tallulah Point are also planning some fun things for the 10 day celebration!! Stay tuned for what special things we will have in store for everyone and be sure to visit and click on the Skywalk Celebration logo for more information on what is being planned around the county!